WeNews.gy is a self-financed website focused on the commercial, cultural and social lives of East and West Berbicians.

WeNews.gy is a self-financed website focused on the commercial, cultural and social lives of East and West Berbicians.


WeNEWS Guyana (Regions 5 &6) is a News and Media Website for these two Regions currently under construction.

Content will include ;News ( Breaking News, Business, Agri News Agri Technology transfer news , Entertainment, Health etc WeADS, Videos.


Our OPINION section is open to Bloggers and Essay writers on topics such as : parenting, health/mental health, domestic violence, community development, politics ,sports etc! with a Regional bias.

Posts from members of the public who are qualified to comment on these topics will be accepted and published in our Opinion Section (comparable to a Letters to the Editor Section of a Newspaper) with the Writer being requested to pay a small negotiable fee to cover costs related to uploading the blog or piece for global distribution afforded by the Internet.


A competent WeNEWS Journalist will interview individuals, such as business owners, representatives of agencies etc! and write and publish promotional articles on their behalf on WeNEWS Website for a negotiable fee.


Banner Advertisements on the Website, to be published at competitive rates, can further complement such paid promotional/marketing articles.


We NEWS News Website is self-financed Journalism hence the request for fees for some content. Regards.